Copyright Liberation Front by Osamu Kanemura
Copyright Liberation Front
by Osamu Kanemura
Published by Kakeru Okada, Tokyo, 2020.
Signed. Edition: 400
Soft cover
36 x 26 cm
B/W 40 pages
This is a black-and-white reproduction of Landscape Suicide (2020), a series of artist books that Kanamura has been releasing over the past few years.
This book was published on the occasion of Kanemura's exhibition Copyright Liberation Front held at The White gallery in Tokyo in October 2020, curated by Kakeru Okada.
Copyright Liberation Front
by Osamu Kanemura
Published by Kakeru Okada, Tokyo, 2020.
Signed. Edition: 400
Soft cover
36 x 26 cm
B/W 40 pages
This is a black-and-white reproduction of Landscape Suicide (2020), a series of artist books that Kanamura has been releasing over the past few years.
This book was published on the occasion of Kanemura's exhibition Copyright Liberation Front held at The White gallery in Tokyo in October 2020, curated by Kakeru Okada.
Copyright Liberation Front
by Osamu Kanemura
Published by Kakeru Okada, Tokyo, 2020.
Signed. Edition: 400
Soft cover
36 x 26 cm
B/W 40 pages
This is a black-and-white reproduction of Landscape Suicide (2020), a series of artist books that Kanamura has been releasing over the past few years.
This book was published on the occasion of Kanemura's exhibition Copyright Liberation Front held at The White gallery in Tokyo in October 2020, curated by Kakeru Okada.